E = Engineering

C = Construction

O = Full-Time O&M

MM = Major Maintenance & Overhaul Services

G = Gas Collection System


PC = Process / Controls

TC = Technical Consulting

#   Project Name Location Project Type Services
1 Flathead Electrical Cooperative Engine Expansion Kalispell, MT Gas-to-Energy E, C, S, PC
2 Marion County LFGTE Facility Ocala, FL Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, S
3 Ostrom Road LFGTE Facility Wheatland, CA Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, S
4 Finley Buttes LFGTE Facility Boardman, OR Gas-to-Energy, Heat Recovery E, MM, S
5 Threemile Canyon Farms Digester Gas-to-Energy Facility Boardman, OR Gas-to-Energy, Heat Recovery, Anaerobic Digester E, S, PC
6 Coffin Butte Landfill Corvallis, OR GCCS, Gas-to-Energy, E, G, S, PC, TC
7 Dry Creek LFGTE Facility Medford, OR Gas-to-Energy E, TC
8 Roseburg LFGTE Facility Roseburg, OR GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, MM, S, TC, PC, G
9 Otay LFGTE Facility Chula Vista, CA Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, MM, S, TC, PC, G
10 Guadalupe LFGTE Facility San Jose, CA Gas-to-Energy TC
11 Fighting Creek LFGTE Facility Couer d'Alene Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, S, TC, PC
12 Trinity Oaks LFGTE Facility Dallas, TX Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, S, TC
13 Santa Cruz Resource Recovery Facility Santa Cruz, CA Gas-to-Energy E, C, S,
14 Old Dominion LFGTE Facility Richmond, VA Gas-to-Energy E, C, MM, S
15 Miramar LFGTE Facility San Diego, CA Gas-to-Energy E, C, MM, S, PC
16 Stahlbush Farm BioGas-to-Energy Facility Corvallis, OR Anaerobic Digester, Gas-to-Energy MM, TC
17 Carbon Limestone Landfill Lowellville, OH GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, C, S, PC, TC, G
18 Lorain LFGTE Facility Oberlin, OH GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, C, PC, S, TC, G
19 Hidden Hollow LFGTE Facility Boise, ID Gas-to-Energy MM, TC
20 St. Joseph LFGTE Facility St. Joseph, KS Gas-to-Energy O, MM, S, TC
21 Sand Valley LFGTE Facility Collinsville, AL Gas-to-Energy E, C, S
22 Northern Tiers LFGTE Facility Troy, PA Gas-to-Energy S
23 Waterbury LFGTE Facility Waterbury, VT Gas-to-Energy S
24 Shippensburg LFGTE Facility Shippensburg, PA Gas-to-Energy S
25 Emerald LFGTE Facility Graham, WA Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, MM, S, TC, PC, G
26 Zimmerman LFGTE Facility Argos, IN Gas-to-Energy E
27 Energy 2001 LFGTE Facility Lincoln, CA Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, MM, S, TC, PC, G
28 San Marcos LFGTE Facility San Marcos, CA Gas-to-Energy E, C, S, PC
29 Atotonilco WWTP Energy Facility Mexico City, Mexico Anaerobic Digester, Gas-to-Energy E, PC
30 Seneca Falls High BTU Facility Seneca, NY RNG E
31 SWACO High BTU Facility Grove City, OH RNG E
32 OKC Relocation High BTU Facility Oklahoma City, OK RNG E, PC, TC
33 SE OKC High BTU Facility Oklahoma City, OK RNG E, PC, TC
34 Eagle Point High BTU Facility Ball Ground, GA RNG E, PC, TC
35 Wastech LFGTE Facility Cache Creek, British Columbia Gas-to-Energy, Heat Recovery E, C, MM, TC, PC
36 Four Peaks LFGTE Facility Dona Ana County, NM GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, TC, PC, G, S
37 Dekalb LFGTE Facility Ellenwood, GA GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, TC, PC, S
38 Athens LFGTE Facility Athens, GA GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, G, MM, TC, PC, S
39 Johnston LFGTE Facility Smithfield, NC GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, G, MM, TC, PC, S
40 Rochelle LFGTE Facility Rochelle, IL GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, G, MM, TC, PC, S
41 Magnolia Digester Gas-to-Energy Facility Magnolia, NC Anaerobic Digester, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, TC, PC
42 Knott Landfill GCCS Bend, OR GCCS, Flare E, C, TC, PC, G, S
43 Headquarters Landfill GCCS Castle Rock, WA GCCS, Flare E, C, TC, PC, G, S
44 AgriReNew Digester Gas-to-Energy Facility Stockton, IA Anaerobic Digester, Gas-to-Energy MM
45 City of Midland Gas-to-Energy Midland, MI Gas-to-Energy MM
46 Zeeland Farms Digester Gas-to-Energy Zeeland, MI Anaerobic Digester, Gas-to-Energy MM
47 Tulsa LFGTE Facility Tulsa, OK Gas-to-Energy MM, TC
48 Fajardo LFGTE Facility Fajardo, Puerto Rico GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, MM, S, TC, PC, G
49 Toa Baja LFGTE Facility Toa Baja, Puerto Rico GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, MM, S, TC, PC, G
50 Pine Ridge LFGTE Facility Griffin, GA Gas-to-Energy TC, O
51 Richland Creek LFGTE Facility Buford, GA Gas-to-Energy TC, O
52 Hickory Ridge LFGTE Facility Atlanta, GA Gas-to-Energy TC, O
53 Oak Grove LFGTE Facility Winder, GA Gas-to-Energy TC, O
54 Prince William LFGTE Facility Manassas, VA Gas-to-Energy E, C, O, S, TC
55 Daejon LFGTE Facility Renovation Daejon, South Korea Gas-to-Energy E, TC
56 BiCounty LFGTE Facility Woodlawn, TN GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, G, TC, PC
57 Oak Grove LFGTE Facility Arcadia, KS GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, G, TC, PC
58 Onslow LFGTE Facility Jacksonville, NC GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, G, TC, PC
59 Black Oak LFGTE Facility Hartville, MO GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, G, TC, PC
60 lcoa LFGTE Facility Friendsville, TN GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, O, MM, G, TC, PC
61 Monterey Regional Waste Management District Monterey, CA GCCS, Gas-to-Energy E, G, TC, PC
62 McKinney LFGTE Facility Melissa, TX Gas-to-Energy MM
63 Sisters High School Biomass Heating Sisters, OR Woody Biomass E, C, O, PC
64 Mt. Bachelor Biomass Heating Study Mt. Bachelor, OR Woody Biomass TC
65 R.A.P.R.D Thermal Feasibility Study Redmond, OR Woody Biomass TC
66 Asotin County Community Solar and Thermal Study Asotin, WA Woody Biomass TC
67 New River Landfill GCCS System and LFGTE Feasibility Raiford, FL GCCS, Flare TC, PC, G
68 Oakland Heights Landfill GCCS Auburn Hills, MI GCCS, Flare PC
69 Sauk Trail Landfill GCCS Canton, MI GCCS PC
70 McCarty Road Landfill GCCS Houston, TX GCCS PC
71 Weber County Landfill GCCS Weber County, UT GCCS, Flare PC
72 Huaycoloro Landfill Lima, Peru GCCS E, TC, G
73 Carolina Landfill Puerto Rico GCCS E, TC, G
74 Toland Road Landfill GCCS Ventura, CA GCCS, Flare E, C, TC, G, PC
75 Vienna Junction Landfill GCCS Toledo, OH GCCS TC
76 Hamm Landfill RNG Facility Lawrence, KS RNG TC
77 Medford WWTP Energy Facility Review Medford, OR Gas-to-Energy TC
78 Bethel-Danebo Landfill GCCS Eugene, OR GCCS E, C, PC, G, TC
79 Short Mountain LFGTE Facility Eugene, OR Gas-to-Energy TC
80 Greater Lawrence Sanitary Distric Anaerobic Digester Energy Facility Andover, MA Anaerobic Digester, Gas-to-Energy E, TC
81 Kiefer Road Landfill Flare Station Sacramento, CA Flare PC
82 Glacier Ridge Landfill RNG Facility Horicon, WI RNG E, TC, G
83 ReVenture Park Co-generation Facility Charlotte, NC RNG O
84 Farmpower NW Dairy Biogas-to-Energy Tillamook, ORMt. Vernon, WARexvile, WA Anaerobic Digester, RNG G, T, E, MM
85 Mallard Ridge RNG Facility Delavan, WI RNG E
86 Butterfield Dairy Anaerobic Digester and RNG Facility Buckeye, AZ Anaerobic Digester, RNG E, TC, G
87 Milky Way Dairy Anaerobic Digester and RNG Facility Maricopa, AZ Anaerobic Digester, RNG E, TC, G
88 Foothills RNG Racility Lenoir, CA RNG E, TC, G
89 Upper Piedmont RNG Facility Rougemont, NC RNG E, TC, G
90 Davis Landfill - LFGTE Facility Layton, UT LFGTE E, C, O, MM, S, PC